Pomezenski Explained The Essential Facts and Figures


The Pomezenski, a blend of different features of canines has been receiving ripples from different part of the world from lovers of the dog. It is a mix of Pomeranian and Siberian Husky and as such is a very attractive dog. With this helpful guide, you’re going to learn all the basic information about the Pomezenski breed and its features such as its history, physical characteristics, personality, and other aspects of the cat’s life.

Origins and History of the Pomezenski 

The Pomezenski is said to have originated more recently from the deliberate breeding of two dogs; the Pomeranian and the Siberian Husky. It should be mentioned that this breed was created using two main goals in mind – to achieve the Miniature Pomeranian’s size combined with the activity of the Siberian Husky.

The Pomeranian Parent

Pomeranian with its fluffy fur and cheerful disposition is originated from the Pomerania of Germany. Like other breeds of dogs, Pomeranian used to be a big breed but was reduced to its present small toy breed size through breeding process. Upright, very vital and possesses beautiful twin layer, Pomeranian has actually always been appreciated by canines enthusiasts.

The Siberian Husky Parent

On the other hand, the Siberian Husky, a medium-sized working dog breed, originated from the Siberian Arctic. Known for its endurance and ability to work in harsh conditions, the Siberian Husky is a powerful and athletic breed. Its striking appearance, characterized by its wolf-like features and piercing blue eyes, makes it easily recognizable.

Physical Characteristics of the Pomezenski 

The Pomezenski showcases a blend of physical traits from both parent breeds. This mix results in a dog that is both striking and functional.

Size and Build

The Pomezenski  typically falls into a medium size range, combining the small stature of the Pomeranian with the sturdier build of the Siberian Husky. Adult Pomezenskis generally weigh between 20 to 35 pounds and stand about 12 to 18 inches tall at the shoulder. This size range makes them suitable for both apartment living and larger homes.

Coat and Color

This breed has a rather distinctive coat which is the one of the first things one might notice about the Pomezenski. The breed has the long thick facial feathering and the silky long hair of the Pomeranian and it also has the thick undercoat from the Husky. Therefore Pomezenskis have thick and soft hair on their bodies with colors ranging from white, black and gray to the several shades of brown. This would be to keep their coat in good health and to deal with the issue of shedding that is common with the breed.

Facial Features

The Pomezenski face is a lovely disposition of its parent breeds. It is noteworthy that, more often than not, one observes a nice blend of the fox-like appearance of the Pomeranian and the intense transmitted by the husky’s eyes. This hybrid can have a large head, thin erect ears and a significantly been separated snout. The outcome is a lovable and attention seeking look of the dog.

Temperament and Personality of the Pomezenski 

The Pomezenski is known for its lively and affectionate nature. Combining the best traits of its parent breeds, this hybrid tends to have a personality that is both playful and loving.

Social Behavior

Pomezenskis are typically very social dogs that thrive on interaction with their families. They are known to be friendly and good with children, making them great family pets. However, they may inherit a strong prey drive from their Husky parent, so early socialization and training are essential to ensure they get along well with other animals.

Intelligence and Training

The Pomezenski is generally intelligent and eager to please, which makes training relatively straightforward. However, they can also inherit the stubborn streak of both parent breeds. Consistent and positive reinforcement methods work best when training a Pomezenski. Regular mental stimulation and engagement are important to keep them happy and well-behaved.

Exercise Needs

As a direct descendant of the Siberian husky, the Pomezenski has moderate to high levels of activity. Accessibility to quality products is important to attend to the needs they have and be able to keep them active physically and mentally. Getting adequate exercise, taking daily walks, playing and providing toys and games that they are able to interact with will help overcome these aspects.

Health Considerations for the Pomezenski 

Like all breeds, the Pomezenski is prone to certain health issues. Being aware of these can help you provide the best care for your pet.

Common Health Issues

The Pomezenski can inherit health problems from both parent breeds. Some common issues include:

  • Hip Dysplasia: This condition, which affects the hip joints, can lead to arthritis and pain. It is therefore important to go for a regular vet check up and keep your pet in a good body mass..
  • Eye Problems: Conditions such as cataracts or progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) can occur in Pomezenskis. These problems, therefore, should be diagnosed and treated at an early stage using eye check-ups.
  • Dental Problems: Small breeds like the Pomeranian can be prone to dental issues. Regular brushing and dental check-ups are important to maintain oral health.


The Pomezenski usually has a life span which ranges from 12 to 15 years of age. Ensuring your Pomezenski eats the right amounts of food, has exercise on a regular basis and goes for checks occasionally will go a long way of enhancing his/her healthy life expectancy.

Care and Maintenance of the Pomezenski

Proper care and maintenance are key to ensuring your Pomezenski thrives. Here are some essential tips:


Like most animals with thick fur, Pomezenskis need a good grooming on a regular basis. Bathe them only when necessary as frequent bath can rob their skin and coat of their natural oils, Groom their fur at least two to three times a week to avoid matting as well as to manage shedding. Grooming your Pomezenski frequently will also be beneficial that includes bathing your Pomezenski, trimming the nails and cleaning the ears.

Diet and Nutrition

Feeding your Pomezenski a balanced diet is crucial for their overall health. Opt for high-quality dog food that meets their nutritional needs and consult your veterinarian for recommendations specific to your dog’s age size and activity level.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

of course, the Pomezenski has to exercise every day so that the Pomezenski can remain healthy and strong. It is recommended to try to achieve five times a day walk, play and mental stimulation. Toys such as puzzle toys or training sessions which mentally challenge them are what they require to keep them happy and fit.


Pomezenski takes nice features from both the Pomeranian and Siberian Husky which makes this breed perfect in every way. Pomezenskis are small cute animals with vibrant personalities and they are not very active meaning that they can be adopted by active families. With these features identified it is possible to properly accustom your Pomezenski and make it lead a long and joyful life.

Whether you’re already a proud Pomezenski owner or considering adding one to your family, this guide provides the essential facts and figures to help you appreciate and care for this extraordinary breed.

By Admin

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